Terrific Tuesday: 100% Me

Hey hey, you night owls!

I don’t know if 9:30 officially makes any of us night owls, but let’s say so, for the purposes of this post. Okay? Okay!

Normally for my Terrific Tuesday posts, I make a list with all the things that made the day terrific. It’s a great way to sift through the events of the day and treasure what made it a good one. This Tuesday, though, I have to say its all been good. I took some much needed me time like this…


and with this…


After a busy and emotionally trying day yesterday (more on this to come) it was needed, and so, so perfect. My first ever completely terrific Tuesday. I feel like I should get a plaque for it or something!

With that, I’m capping off my terrific day with my terrific guy. I hope you all had a great day too. See you all tomorrow!